Do you want to create some curb appeal at your home? Then, remodel with synthetic turf at your home with NexGen Lawns! There are many ways that artificial grass can change your lawn. Not only does fake grass provide your landscape with a clean look, but additional benefits of an easier lawn. Thus, incorporating synthetic grass provides a well-manicured look to your lawn with little maintenance. As well as other application areas that have artificial grass installed. This means you can do more than just have your lawn area revamped. Artificial grass can go over patios, between stepping stones, around trees, and much more. Now, you have many ways to get creative and remodel with synthetic turf at your home.
This front lawn has a beautiful synthetic grass seating area that adds style. Photo Credit: NexGen Lawns
Many Benefits of a Remodel with Synthetic Turf
A remodel with synthetic grass does more than just change the looks. Fake grass provides a lawn with minimal upkeep. Therefore, you can utilize your time on other items than worrying about mowing the lawn. You won’t have to spend your time in the summer mowing in the heat. Or making sure the lawn is getting enough water. This will also help to save you on water consumption. Instead, you can sit back on your patio furniture view your beautiful fake grass, and not have to drag out the lawnmower. Since you no longer need to water your lawn with fake grass, this means you’ll reduce your lawn watering and can lower your summer water bill.
Are you ready to add instant curb appeal to your home? If so, the design experts at NexGen Lawns will work closely with you to bring your ideas to life. Check out our options to remodel with synthetic turf at your home. You can even change up the lawn to include the installation of an artificial grass putting green on the lawn! That way you can enjoy playing golf at your home with minimal upkeep putting green with synthetic turf.
Give NexGen Lawns a call today at 888-844-0672 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you. You can also email us anytime with our online contact form. Remember to ask for a free no-cost obligatory quote. We look forward to hearing from you and helping enjoy all the many benefits of a remodel with synthetic turf at your home.