Help Alleviate your Pets’ Allergies with Artificial Grass

Just like us, our pets suffer from outdoor allergies too.  While many of us experience runny noses, itchy eyes, and never-ending sneezing, our pets can feel miserable as well. Both cats and dogs can be plagued by outdoor allergies.  It affects their whole bodies causing them to continually scratch and can develop a rash. They can also fall victim to sores too.  Help alleviate your pets’ allergies with artificial grass.  Artificial grass does not produce pollen, which can help your dog’s grass allergies.  Not only does fake grass not release pollen, but it does not require mowing which can stir up the pollen in the air.  Therefore, you and your dog can enjoy outdoor playtime together without all the sneezing!

Help Alleviate your Pets’ Allergies with Artificial Grass

Natural lawns can create skin allergies for pets causing them to develop rashes on their sensitive skin.  Photo Credit: NexGen Lawns

Rescue playtime with artificial grass

What pet doesn’t enjoy rolling, jumping, and running around outside for exercise and playtime?  With artificial grass, our pets can do just that year-round without having to worry about pesky grass allergies.  Now, you won’t have to cut your outdoor playtime short due to sneezing.  Or have to cancel it altogether due to grass allergies.  Our team can add artificial grass to your entire lawn or just install the backyard or a specific spot.

Artificial grass reduces pollen spores from aggravating their sensitive skin causing itching and scratching. Some dogs are also prone to chewing their own skin.  Artificial grass not only brings relief to our pets’ skin affected by allergies it also helps to keep your yard and home cleanlier.  Pets can exercise outside and not bring in all the pollen, dirt, or grass clippings back into your home that comes with regular grass.

Artificial grass also requires minimal maintenance and can be easily washed clean.  That way you can wash off any dirt or debris to help keep your lawn clean as well as your home floors.

Let NexGen Lawns help alleviate your pets’ allergies with artificial grass.  Please give us a call at 888-844-0672 and one of our representatives will be happy to assist you in your next artificial grass dog run and/or lawn makeover.  You can also email us anytime with our online form.  Remember to ask for a free no-cost obligatory quote.  We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with all your artificial grass or artificial turf needs.